Sea Transport Of Oil & Petroleum Products .

The United Arab Emirates is on its way to become the most important maritime hub between Europe and the Eastern world. Its strategically convenient location enables countless companies to successfully collaborate on an international level. Owing to a successful discovery of oil in the sixties, the United Arab Emirates skyrocketed in terms of wealth and popularity and was put on the global map as a country to be reckoned with. Prior to oil discovery, the UAE had thrived on its pearl industry, which soon languished due to cultured pearls invented by the Japanese. The UAE covers more than 600km in length and stretches along the southern coastline of Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman making it a perfect location for import and export of goods to the rest of the world over the sea routes. Bearing in mind that oil would eventually run out, the leaders of the UAE have actively been developing the transport by sea sector all these years.

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